waiting for your breakthrough

Some of you have been waiting for your breakthrough for years, months, weeks, days and wondering when it will happen. Some of you have been in and out of faith. You are all pumped up then suddenly get discouraged. You then say something that undoes your time of waiting and then you go back to point zero.

Some of you can sense how close you are but barely holding on with as little hope as you can gather.

During my quiet time with Abba recently, I felt Him say to me that many of his daughters are getting weary waiting to see the manifestation of his promise to them. Some of you sadly want to give up just at the edge of your breakthrough.

I am here to encourage you.  

The Bible says in Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

You may be asking: what does it really mean to wait on the Lord, what do I do when I am waiting for my breakthrough?

Today I would like to share 3 things to do whilst waiting for your breakthrough.

What to do while waiting for your breakthrough


Have a Scripture:

Has Abba given you a scripture maybe during your quiet time with him or through someone else?  Always have that scripture in front of you. Write/Print them out and put them where you can see it. Memorise them and plant it in your heart where it can grow and bear fruit. If you don’t have a scripture then ask Abba to give you one. He will.

You may like to read this post addressing the question: Did I hear God wrong?


Turn your worries into petitions and praise:

Anytime the issue comes to your mind and fear begins to set in your mind, turn it around by thanking God; making use of your scripture.

You cannot have thoughts of fear and gratitude at the same time.

Philippians 4: 6-7 MSG says Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the centre of your life.

[Tweet “You cannot have thoughts of fear and gratitude at the same time.”]

For example, you are waiting for a financial breakthrough. The thought that you will never get out of debt comes to your mind. Say your scripture out loud in thanksgiving i.e: ”Father I thank you because you have promised in your word that you are my shepherd, I shall not lack. I thank you because you have provided all my needs according to your riches in glory.

Say it like what you are waiting for has already happened, repeat it to yourself until it sinks into your spirit man.  

If you are believing God for healing, when the symptoms of the illness flares up, or the diagnosis from the doctor elevates itself in your mind, declare your scripture out loud in thanksgiving: “Father, I thank you because you promised that by your stripes I am healed. I am thankful because Jesus took up my pain and bore my suffering. If Jesus already took my pain and bore my sufferings, then I cannot have it anymore. Thank you, Lord.”

When you do this continually the peace of God will rule your heart despite the situation on ground.


Sing your way through

This is one thing I do a lot when my mouth seems too heavy to pray or declare any scriptures.

I sing!

If I can’t sing, I get my music going, throughout the day. At home, in the car, on the go, when I am sleeping etc.

It may appear nothing is happening but the words of the songs sink into my spirit, keeping me grounded, while I carry on with my day.

Sometimes I just sit down, follow the lyrics of the songs. Sometimes I sing along, sometimes I don’t. On a few occasions, I dance along. In fact, my daughter initiated the dancing bit and I have found it uplifting.

I have a playlist on youtube with songs that encourage me during trials. I have listened so much to these songs, that almost every morning, I wake up with a song in my heart. What better way to start the day!

I will like to share my playlist with you. I have tried to used videos with the lyrics where possible so you can follow along

All these songs have blessed me and I have a few favourites such as :

  • Confident by Steffany Gretzinger & Bobby Strand (Bethel) *my absolute fav at the moment.*
  • While I wait by Lincoln Brewster
  • Love has a name by Jesus Culture
  • Belong to you by Here Be Lions
  • Strength of My Life by Vertical Worship
  • Reckless love by Cory Asbury
  • Yes and Amen by Pat Barrett

Ok at this rate I better stop because I would end up listing all the songs in the playlist.  🙂

I love them all and they have blessed me tremendously.

Have a listen and I pray you experience God’s love afresh as you do in Jesus name. 

During this tiring time, as you wait for your breakthrough, the key thing is that you have to consistently stay in the word, think the right thoughts and say the right things. That is how to wait. 

You are already victorious…

Abba is working behind the scenes…

Your breakthrough is here! Hold on!


Tell me what do you do when you are waiting for a breakthrough