Justina Rosu, a financial coach at Her Money Matters is one of our guest speakers at Super Working Mum LIVE.

Read more to know about her and watch my video interview with her. 

Her Money Matters Justina Rosu

Justina Rosu

Justina Rosu, is a wife and mother of 3 children.

She understands the stress of unsustainable debt first hand when in the early 90′s, through a combination of unexpected circumstances and bad luck, she and her husband lost their home and escaped bankruptcy with an IVA.

During her long career at the BBC she managed budgets of all types including departmental training spends.

Over the past 23 years, Justina has also learnt what it takes to effectively manage personal finances, rebuild credit and create a stable financial future.

Now she is a financial coach at Her Money Matters, and is passionate about teaching and coaching mums and women on how to better manage money and create a positive financial future.

At the SWM LIVE event she will be talking on Your Money Or Your Life: 5 Steps to Create Lasting Wealth

Watch Video below to know what Justina has in store for us at the event.


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