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A note from the Author

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Does this sound like you?

  • You doubt that you have been called in the first place.
  • You suspect God has called you, but you are full of doubt and fear.
  • You are distracted by the affairs of life, so find it hard to recognise and own God’s calling on your life.
  • You are afraid and insecure because you don’t think you have what it takes, or you are running away from your calling like Jonah did.
  • You have belittled God’s calling on your life, thinking ‘the call’ is only for Pastors or ministers of God.
  • You have experienced trauma or painful situations, and all you want to do is hide under a rock, lick your wounds and never come out.

I don’t have all the answers, but what I do have is what Abba Father has been teaching me along the way, and this is what this book aims to share. I hope that as I share what I have learned and
am still learning on my journey with you, you will find some Holy Spirit inspiration, strategies, and tools to help you slay doubt and confidently manifest God’s call on your life.

This book may simply be a reminder of what God is already telling you. Or this book may bring a fresh revelation or a new perspective on what you already know. Whatever the case, open your heart because it is time to slay doubt and confidently manifest God’s calling on your life.

Much love,

Detola Amure

About the Book

The first part of this book touches on recognising and fully embracing the call of God on your life so that you can confidently manifest His call. Until you own the call, you will do nothing about the call, or quit when opposition or hardship comes your way.

In the second part of this book, we delve deeply into three seasons of life that could potentially hinder you from confidently walking in purpose. Detola shares strategies on how to confidently manifest all that God has deposited within you during these seasons.

Detola shares her story and the relatable stories of some of the ladies she has coached or mentored, to help you uncover Holy Spirit inspired solutions that you can begin to apply today.

Four ladies in the Super Working Mum Academy also share their personal stories of how they are continually slaying doubt and confidently manifesting God’s calling on their different journeys.

This is a 100-page book, easy to read with questions at the end of most chapters to help you reflect.

What’s inside

  • Chapter 1: What is God’s Calling?
  • Chapter 2: Your Calling is Relevant
  • Chapter 3: Where Have You Been Called to Serve?
  • Chapter 4: God Chose You
  • Chapter 5: Invest in Your Calling
  • Chapter 6: Navigating Your Past
  • Story 1 – From Tripping to Transformation
  • Chapter 7: Enjoy Your Preparation Season
  • Story 2 – Find Your Stride, Write Your Story
  • Chapter 8: Embrace Your Unique Project
  • Chapter 9: Do as Instructed
  • Story 3 – Owning My Calling
  • Chapter 10: Are You Being Selfish?
  • Chapter 11: Focus and Endurance
  • Story 4 – Know and Focus on Your Nation
  • Chapter 12: Intimacy with God
  • Chapter 13: Hebrew Mindset VS Greek Mindset


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