Is simple living just a pipe dream in today’s fast-paced, always-on, more-is-better culture?

With this week’s collection, you’ll discover the secrets to living simply from five authors who are living intentionally and inspiring others to do the same!

But don’t wait because this bundle is on sale for 90% off this week only.

simple living

Simple Living Collection

25 Intentional Days by AndHeDrew
25 Intentional Days will take you step by step through setting effective long-term and short-term goals, finding time you didn’t know you had, tracking your progress and creating the life you’ve dreamed of.


Simple Ways to Be More with Less by Courtney Carver
In Simple Ways to Be More with Less, Courtney shows you how to simplify your life and live each day more purposefully.

This book will challenge you, brighten your day, and if you let it, change your world.


Inside-Out Simplicity by Joshua Becker
Living simply starts on the inside, and in Inside-Out Simplicity, Joshua shares why healthy relationships are essential to a simplified life.

You’ll discover how to live intentionally by embracing contentment, gratitude, and humility and making generosity, kindness, service, and forgiveness a hallmark of all of your relationships.


simple living

ClutterFree by Leo Babauta & Courtney Carver
With the tools in ClutterFree, you’ll learn how to eliminate the clutter and create more time and space in your home and life.

Leo and Courtney walk you through understanding why we have clutter, learning how to get rid of it and enjoying a clutter-free life.


Flying by the Seat of My Soul by Tess Marshall 

Through personal stories, profound lessons, uplifting quotes and stories of others, Tess inspires you to live more passionately and pursue your heart’s desire with more conviction.

Flying By The Seat Of My Soul will empower you to move toward inner change, let go of the past, follow your dreams and fly!


The Simple Living bundle is only available through 8am EST on Monday, 4/22. Get yours today: