IMAG1778_1Happy New Year dear Super Working Mums!!!!
I hope you have started the new year the way you want it to go- being decisive and intentional about where you will spend your time.
So I was looking through my journal/planner where I started my main 2015  goals and I am grateful that I achieved ALL my goals.

Review of 2015

Here are some of my business goals which I achieved.

  1. I held 3 successfully Super Working Mum weekend retreats in the UK
  2. I successfully launched the SWM Academy with up to 40 ladies.
  3. I went for the Joyce Meyers Love Life Conference in St Louis, USA
  4. I designed and printed the Living Amazed Journal. Shipping commences in January.
  5. I signed up new VIP Clients
  6. I finished my contract with my corporate client and I am now focusing on running SWM full time going forward
  7. I spoke at events and was invited to talk on the Kent radio show.
I couldn’t have achieved these goals by myself. God helped me and I am so grateful.  I invested in a coach who held me accountable and showed me strategies on how to go about achieving my goals. I also invested in my personal growth and surrounded myself with like minded women who propelled me to step out of my comfort zone. I was also intentional about how I spent my time.
I am expectant in 2016 for more success than I had in 2015and I am sure you are as well.
To achieve success we have to take on habits that will lead to success. Habits are the things we do on a daily basis and our habits determine if our lives will be successful or not.

[Tweet “I am expectant in 2016 for more success than I had in 2015”]

If you want to be successful, I share on a guest blog post on Unoma’s blog THREE new habits I recommend you start forming as we approach the new year.

GO CHECK THEM OUT HERE. (Come back here after reading)

So what success habits have you started forming in 2016? Share in the comment section below. Would love to know.


PS: Need accountability and support to manifest those BIG dreams in your heart? Come join us in the Super Working Mum Academy.