Super Working Mum Year End Virtual Retreat 2022
It is time to take stock and plan for the new year.
- Do you need time to pause, reflect and process all that took place in 2022?
- Do you find yourself re-evaluating some of your relationships and priorities?
- Do you understand yourself better and how you can use your gifts and skills productively in the new year?
- Do you need time to hear what God is saying for 2023 so you can plan ahead?
If so we’d love for you to join us at the Super Working Mum (SWM)
Year End Virtual Retreat 2022
Friday, Dec 16th TO Sunday Dec 18th 2022.
6.00 P.M – 9.30 PM GMT daily
A weekend of planning ahead for an all round Successful 2023
- 10.5 hours is a lifetime in the world of a mum.
- 10.5 hours can give you time to reflect & recharge.
- 10.5 hours can give you focus & clarity, reawaken a hidden passion.
- 10.5 hours can give you revival and renewed strength- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
At this virtual retreat, we will be learning more about ourselves, setting our vision, goals and planning for 2023
10.5 hours can change how you feel about yourself.
We have designed this virtual retreat, for Kingdom-minded women, where you can set time apart to invest in yourself, dream big with God, and design a successful 2023 from the comfort of your home via zoom.
Your Faciliators
Three anointed women of God will be facilitating during the three day retreat. They all come with years of experience and power of Holy Spirit.
Detola Amure
Your Host, Productivity and Women Leadership Coach
Detola ACTIVATES women into living a life of significance. During the Virtual Retreat, Detola will walk us through how to design a life of success through prioritising and Action Planning.
Funmi Onamusi
Life, Business & Career Strategist
Funmi helps you to get the right STRATEGY to build your plan. During. the Virtual retreat, Funmi will walk us through what it means to have an Abundance Mindset in order to live a life of fulfilment and confidence in our abilities and what we have.
Kemi Akindutire
Vision Acceleration Coach
Kemi works with Successful Women to GET ACCELERATED RESULTS. During the virtual retreat Kemi will use the S.H.A.P.E assessment to help us understand our Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences and how to use them in service for God
Testimonial from Past Retreater
I was really blessed by attending the virtual retreat. I was challenged to dig deeper and build a more intimate relationship with Abba God. I was also challenged to be very specific about my goals for 2021. Even though I had heard about the 12 week year before, it was good to be reminded about it, as I haven’t been actively applying it to goal setting. The fellowship within the women was great, even though it was a virtual meeting. The presence of God was tangible at the retreat. God bless Detola Amure – the visionary of the retreat and all the wonderful speakers including Funmi Onamusi who ran a very comprehensive session on financial planning and Emilola Shyllon who compered the retreat so well.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
And guess what they have planned for you?
Not much.“
Who is this retreat for?
- This retreat is aimed at women and not just mothers who :
- Are CEOs of their home
- Professionals
- Desire more intimacy with Jesus
- Want to receive life changing information
- Need a spiritual revival
Your Virtual Retreat Ticket includes:
LIVE access to the Virtual Retreat Sessions on 16th-18th Dec 6:00-9.30 PM UK Time Daily
Virtual Retreat Recordings (so you can listen back or design your own virtual retreat experience if you’re not able to join us live).
PRINTABLE Virtual Retreat Workbook
LIFELONG Access to our Super Working Mum Community where you can connect with other attendees/members, ask questions, and get additional support after the Retreat and other benefits!
A Hard copy of the Living Purposefully Journal, a tool to help you outline your priorities for the new year plan (if you book your ticket by 30th November 2022)
At the virtual retreat, you would …
Get time to reflect on 2022 and give gratitude to God despite all.
Better understand who God made you to be through the S.H.A.P.E assessment
Design a successful 2023 based on God’s assignment for you
Identify your priorities and how you can intentionally live into them.
Fortify yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically
Know that you are brave, beautiful and doing a great job!
Retreat Investment
£99 only!