many ideasI have too many ideas and I am getting overwhelmed how do I decide which one to focus on?

This is a very common question especially for people who get lots and lots of ideas popping in their head. Some people try to work on many ideas at the same time. They end up not accomplishing much then get frustrated in the process.

If you have found yourself working on several ideas and you are making no headway then read up.

I talk more about the Myth of Multitasking in the Super Working Mum Book and also in this blog post. When you are focused on just one goal at a time you are likely to do it properly and achieve more but when you try to juggle to many things at a time, you may end up being frustrated and unproductive.

Here are some steps to figure out which idea or goal to focus on

1) Write it all down

Write down all the ideas that you have in your head.  By transferring all your ideas from your brain to paper you can see better what you are dealing with than trying to figure it all out in your brain. 

2)  Take the list to your heavenly Father

There are good ideas and there is a God idea. And to discover which one is from God and not from your flesh you need to take your ideas back to God and ask Him which ones are from Him and which one to focus.

Now this is what I call a bold prayer and I will advise you not to say this kind of prayer if you are not ready to hear what God has to say. Because the idea he presents may not be the one your mind is asking you to do… God’s idea may not be the easiest on the list. 

I have experienced this before when God told me to work on the Living Amazed journal but because it looked difficult I focused on something else. I got frustrated when my plan didn’t work out and had to surrender my will to God’s will.

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3) Outline the necessary steps

Once you get a confirmation of what you should be doing, go ahead and begin to outline the steps you need to achieve that idea.. Work backwards with the end in mind. e.g if it’s a book you want to write. Have a launch date and work backwards with the steps you need to work on. We go into more detail about how to break down steps to achieve your goal in the Super Working Mum Academy.

4) Pray for destiny helpers

If it is a God idea, it is likely that the idea or goal is bigger than you hence you cannot achieve it by yourself. So ask God to bring those who will help you along the way. Destiny helpers connect you to the top. They are people used by God to manifest His plans for you. Destiny helpers lift you up when you are down. They don’t wait for you to approach them, they offer their help without you necessarily asking. They are God send.

5) Be vigilant of other distractions

The devil is not going to be happy when he sees you are determined to do what God has asked you to do. So he will bring bright shining objects that seem like they will help you on the right path….

Don’t go off course… determine with the help of God to get that goal done.  

I remember one of my mentees who had started a project to launch a new program in her coaching practice and then said to me there was this new business idea that people were involved in that will help generate income. She thought it would be a good idea to start the business and the income from that fund her coaching practice. I made her realise that her coaching practice was also going to generate income and the time she would take to start up this new business idea is time away from achieving her goal… I have been there so I know.

I advised her to channel all her energy and resources to getting new clients onto her new program rather than getting distracted with this new business idea which will take her far from achieving her goals.

My other tip here is that when other ideas cross your mind write them down in a “Parked Idea” journal/notebook and tell yourself you will come back to it later.


6) Invest in a coach or mentor and stay accountable to them 

A coach/mentor or a group like the SWM academy with women who are also focusing on achieving the goal/dream God has laid on their heart will propel you to stay focused. Yes this step may involve some financial investment on your part but it will be worth it. This is because this person would have done similar and succeeded in it. So they can help you avoid making unnecessary mistakes and get your goal achieved faster.


7) Remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Listen for His voice and when he says go this way… you go. When he says pause you pause…Let him be your guide. You can never go wrong with the God’s spirit on your side.


Ok so I hope the steps listed above has helped someone today struggling with which goal or dream to focus on and I know after applying these steps you are well on your way to achieving God’s idea.

If you need more direct help, check out this link to see how I can help you.

Or if you are looking for a group that can hold you accountable and much more then I encourage you to join the Super Working Mum ACADEMY.

We go into much more in depth training in the SWM Academy for women who have raised their hands to say they are tired of living in their comfort zone, tired of running around in circles and tired of living an average life. They want to live life to the fullest.

So tell me, how do you decide on what idea to focus on when you have many ideas competing for your attention?