Make Time WomanA lot of women, married or single, make do instead of make time for themselves. I am not sure why, probably because women are generally raised to be meek and put every other person’s needs above theirs. Whatever the case this has got to stop!

I am an advocate of women…mums taking care of themselves. If you don’t how can you take care of your family and others?

Some time ago, a dear friend sent me this short candid article. Unfortunately I do not know who wrote it originally so I cannot acknowledge them. However I think it is something a lot of women need to be aware about.

Keep reading to find out what it is


When I was preparing to get married, I started getting all sorts of advice especially at bridal showers and things like that from family and friends. But one of the most interesting “lessons” came from a woman I met for the first time,  just a few weeks before the big day. She said, “Honey, whatever you do, don’t ever let yourself become a “make do” woman. I had no idea what she meant, but, of course, she was about to explain. She continued, “Men” don’t deny themselves anything. Whatever they want to buy, they buy.

Whatever they want to do, they do. Meanwhile, there is the wife, making do with her hair not being done, her clothes from yesteryear, her nails never had a pedicure, scraping the bottom of her tube of lipstick! Oh, I could go on and on with how “we” make do. And why? Because the car needs fixing, this bill is behind, we have to use our time to take care of this, or take care of that; we’re saving for this, working, cooking, cleaning, raising, etc.”

She warned me to never become a make do woman, because she says if you start, it is hard to stop and one could easily find themselves making do for the rest of their lives. I vowed it would never happen to me. I didn’t think much more of the conversation until one day, I began to take notice, she was right.

Men are a lot better at being good to themselves. Some call it being selfish, there has to be another word for it. Tell me if you know. Whatever you call it. It does have it’s place. When they want to play ball, or golf, or fish, they go! When they want to buy clothes, or equipment, or video games, or whatever their “thing” is, they buy! Have you ever tried to stop one? Has anyone ever been able to stop one? Let me know!

When I look around, I see a whole heap of Make do women, married or not, with or without children, they are all over the place! I have decided that I am going to make my best effort to become a “MAKE TIME” woman! I will make the time to do what I need to do to be good to myself, whether that’s a trip to the salon, or the gym or the mall. This time I’m going to take a lesson from the guys!

Let’s NOT be “MAKE-DO” Women! Let’s LOVE OURSELVES and ENCOURAGE each other!

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So what did you think about this piece. Is she right or what?

So which do you want to be – a “Make Do” or “Make Time” woman?

What changes are you going to make today to make time for yourself? For starters…I am going to get my eyebrows shaped! ;o)

P.S this is not an attempt to bash husbands or men but goes to show how men and women can be different.

P.P.S this is not to say all women make do but if you do it is time for a change.


*Photo Source: by imagerymajestic