Every working mum should have some kitchen equipment to make life in the kitchen short, easier and sweet especially after a hard day’s work.
Anything that will make my time in the kitchen less stressful is a big plus for me as I sometimes feel like I am battling against the clock.
As a busy working mum, if you’ll like to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family then you should invest in these must have kitchen equipment that I would like to share with you.
Top 6 Kitchen Equipment List
1) A Deep Freezer
This is probably the most valuable kitchen equipment you would need. A deep freezer is a life, time and money saver.
You can store almost anything in your freezer for a long time. This means you can buy items in bulk to store in your freezer. In the long run you will save money on groceries.
You can also decide to cook in bulk and pop the rest of the food in the freezer. This will reduce the number of time you find yourself cooking.
Items you can easily store in your freezer include
- Bread
- Milk
- Soups
- Meats, fish, chicken etc
- Fresh veg
- Frozen fruit and veg
- Baby food
- Breast milk
All you need to do is to bring out the frozen item the night before to allow it defrost properly.
***Note it is not safe or hygiene to return an item that has thawed back into your freezer.***
With a freezer the key thing is labeling your items clearly with name and date. That way you would not forget what items you have in there. Also you get to use up older items first.
2) Kitchen Pedal Bin
Though pricey, a large kitchen pedal bin with capacity ranging from 30ml to 50ml is a kitchen essential to have.
I am a big fan of kitchen bins which you can open by simply pressing the small pedal at the bottom. This way you and your children don’t have to touch the bin to throw things in it. Also if you are carrying a small child or your hands are busy you can still open the bin with your foot.
Having a big bin means less amount of time throwing out garbage from your kitchen bin to the main bin outside. The cover helps prevent any bad odour coming out of the bin as long as it is closed properly.
Always line your bins with durable bin bags this way you won’t have to vigorously clean your bin as they protected by the bags.
Depending on your budget you could even get a two in one pedal bin- one for recycling items and one for non recycling items. This way you can quickly sort out your bin items based on recycling. This also helps reduce the number of times you go out to throw recycling items.
3) A Dishwasher
If you do not enjoy washing up plates and you don’t have a maid or someone who can help with dish washing, you may want to consider investing in a dish washer.
This will save you time in washing layers of plates especially if you have children who are fun of dumping the sink with unwashed items.
The downside though is that your electricity bill may increase, so try to use the dishwasher just once a day when it is full.
When the children are older you can reduce the use of your dishwasher by getting them to do the dishes instead. 😉
4) Blender and/or Food Processor
A blender is a handy kitchen equipment to own. It saves you time in the kitchen. You can use it to liquidise food items for soups or mash up baby food. You can use it as a smoothie maker –which enables you and your children to increase your fruits and veggies intake.
You could take it a step further by getting a food processor. This helps with chopping and dicing up your veggies such as carrots, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes…you name it!
I also use my food processor as a mixer for baking cakes. I know some mums use it as a juicer or smoothie maker as well.
5) A Dust Mop

Photo Credit: Pricegrabber
Dust mops are to be used dry in getting rid of dust around the house (not just the kitchen), including walls and ceilings. Dust mops are quick and easy to use. They are usually adjustable with extensions to allow you get to out of reach corners.
Dust mops are also easy to clean. In between cleanings, simply shake or vacuum the dust mop head outside. For more thoroughly cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s washing instruction.
6) A Microfiber Mop

Photo credit: www.hsn.com
These are to be used wet and usually come with a bucket. Depending on the type of kitchen floor you have you may need a sturdy microfiber mop that is adjustable and you can wring water out of easily.
Microfiber mops usually have replaceable heads for when they get dirty. To clean you can remove the handle and pop the microfiber head into the washing machine.
Personally my kitchen is quite compact, so I have no need for a bucket. All I do is spray a cleaning solution from a spray bottle on the floor and clean with my microfiber mop.
Simple! This is very quick and makes me feel more in control of my kitchen floor.
So there you have it: my top must have kitchen equipments. They make life easier for me and save me time cleaning and cooking. Life is good!
Next time we will discuss smaller kitchen items/ gadgets every busy working mum should have.
So mums, what are your must have kitchen equipments? Please share in the comment box below
You’ve got them all… besides an oven that is calibrated to the right temperature!
Thanks Christina! You are right about the oven. I just assumed the oven was a given 🙂
Thanks for stopping by
Great must haves! Got the pedal bin; I couldn’t stand the idea of my little one touching the trash (yuck) :o) Oh, and the food processor, I couldn’t live without! I really use much more than I thought I was going to. By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment; really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day :o)
I also cant stand my little one touching the trash…hehe…yes the food processor is a life and time saver.
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