Our March Featured Super Working Mum is Kemi David-Akinyemi. She is one of the owners of Loyatobs, a family jewellery business. She shares with us about juggling life as a mother of three (twins inclusive!), work, business and marriage.
1) Please tell us about yourself?
I would say I am a reserved lady. I tend to listen more although I am being encouraged to come out of my shell and live a little so am guessing a new me will be unveiled soon. Not usually one of many words but if around those I am very comfortable with in my mind i think I can talk too much.
I love dancing and watching cartoons which is not helped by the fact that my hubby loves cartoons as well. I also love detective based dramas and documentaries.
I would love to travel the world but not a fan of flying or sea travel…so not yet sure how I will achieve that dream!
Very much a stickler to rules and principles which earned me the nickname “Margret Thatcher” when I was younger but my hubby is encouraging me to relax a little now.
2) How many children do you have and how old are they?
I have 3 beautiful daughter. A 3.5 year old and 10month old twins…my little K-lets!
3) What do you do for work?
Currently I work in Project Management.
4) Please tell us more about your jewellery business Loyatobs?
Loyatobs creations is a bespoke Bead Jewellery design company specializing in creating unique styles using semi-precious stones and other materials to create stunning bead pieces and accompanying accessories.
We pride ourselves in not recreating our styles unless specifically requested by a client for special occasions like weddings, milestone birthday parties, fashion shows etc. We design to our customers’ tastes and budgets.
Very popular with brides, we also create elegant styles for everyday get-up and go, casual wear and elegant office wear. Whatever your style we have a piece for you.
It was started by my mum who is the CEO/bead designer and in my opinion a super working Grandma in her own right. It’s a family run business. I work in Marketing/Sales mainly for events like trade fares and exhibitions, private viewings and fashion shows.
View our gallery via our website www.loyatobs.com or on Loyatobs facebook page.
We have been featured on the Nigerian wedding website. Click on the link if you would like to read the write up.
Fan bead
Exquisite Jewellery by Loyatob
5) How do u juggle work, business, marriage and 3 young children?
WOW! Now that’s the golden question.
Prayer, sacrifice, adapting, laughter and a very supportive husband…these are my survival tools.
I look to God for grace and peace to handle everyday;
Having a very hands-on supportive husband is a tremendous help. Mums try to involve dad as much as possible. If you are a control freak like I, try to resist as it is easy to miss out on this most valued resource. Since easing up my reins of control (Lol!) I have been surprised by how much dad want to and loves to help.
There are never enough hours in the day to achieve everything that needs to be done… that is why there is tomorrow. I am very much tlady so I plan in advance as much as I can.
I have learnt to find something fun and funny in tiring times which do come knocking when sorting 3 energetic little soldiers and working full time. Even at work while at my desk when work begins to look a blur I hum to myself and do a little dance just to make myself chuckle.
Working full time I try as much as I can to stick to specific working hours so I have enough time and energy when I get home for my family. When I leave work that’s it for the day! When I am home its family time! There is a clear demarcation in my mind between to the 2.
I reserve my weekends for family activities either with my hubby or the kids or both…and I sneak in a little me time as well … and everybody is happy.
I plan business events as much in advance as possible so there an agenda for the day. My calendar and to-do lists are my pals. Business meetings and events are all programmed in there to be dealt with at least a week before they are due so all preparations are done well in advance leaving time for finishing touches.
6) Please tell us what the phrase “super working mum” means to you?
A super working mum to me is any mum who strives to achieve her dreams while raising a family and keeping her home. She carves out a niche of endeavor for herself be it career wise, as an entrepreneur or fulfilling a passion or hobby.
A super working mum finds ways of making the most of the resources and opportunities available to her and learns to adapt to situations making sacrifices along her journey in life to reach her goals.
I have often heard the phrase that there are no certificates for being a good wife or mum in life but to this SWM my certificate will be when in a few years I can look back nod my head and say I gave it my all and didn’t settle for not trying.
A super working mum is unique and does not settle for the norm or general consensus of what her society believe a mum should be. She creates her own world.
7) What advice do you have to share with other Super working mums on juggling work and family life?
You cannot do it all by yourself; seek for help, ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness but allows you achieve more quicker.
Never loose sight of what you want to achieve as a woman, mum and as a family! Remember that the way we all strike a balance in priorities differs so where advice is good in itself always remember not all will apply or can apply the way others have used it. You are unique, let that shine through in everything about you.
Never say there isn’t enough time to achieve a dream. If you haven’t tried how do you know for sure. Even if you do try and don’t succeed at first it may be because you have not found the right way or right time to make it work. If you decide not to meet certain goals do not let your decision be based on you thinking you can’t make; give it a go see what happens.
Never underestimate the value of some me time. Asides from being a mum you are also You!
8) How and where can we connect with you
- Facebook – Cathryn David-Akins
- Instagram – Baroness_DAJ