Dealing with morning sickness especially while at work can be very uncomfortable, irritating and annoying.
There are a lot of theories about what causes morning sickness but no one knows for sure what causes it. Some experts say having morning sickness confirms you are having a healthy pregnancy.
Some women have morning sickness during the first trimester, while some have it throughout their pregnancy. Some have it only in the morning while some have it throughout the day. This can be disheartening and distracting especially when you have work to do.
Whatever your situation, there are ways to make morning sickness more manageable.
There are various ways of dealing with morning sickness. Here are a few tried and tested natural tips which should work for you during this trying period.
Tips For Dealing With Morning Sickness Naturally At Work
Eat something as soon as you feel hungry. Usually the main trigger of morning sickness or nauseous that I have found is hunger. To avoid throwing up in the morning, eat some crackers or bread sticks as soon as you wake up.
Sipping glasses of water with half a lemon throughout the day starting from when you get out of bed can help alleviate morning sickness.
Lemons are said to have strong therapeutic qualities. The smell of lemon has been known to decrease anxiety, depression and nausea. Many women have found it soothing and helpful with dealing with morning sickness.
Always have healthy snacks on you at work so that as soon as you start feeling hungry you can snack on them. Snack on fruits or nuts such as almonds.
In addition to snacking, eat small meals throughout the day to help stabilize your blood sugar. Try to stick to alkaline foods as opposed to acidic foods, which are known to aggravate nausea and vomiting. Alkaline foods help the body maintain its natural pH balance and keep you healthy.
Examples of alkaline foods are:
- Vegetables – asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, peas, leeks, watercress, spinach, carrots, beans, beetroot, garlic, celery, cucumber, broccoli and brussels sprouts
- Fruits – lemon, lime, avocado, tomato, grapefruit, watermelon, and rhubarb. Other fruits are classified as being acidic.
- Drinks – fresh vegetable juices, pure water, lemon water, herbal tea, unsweetened soy milk, and almond milk
- Seeds, Nuts and Grains – almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax, lentils, cumin seeds, and any sprouted seed.
- Fats and Oils – flax, hemp, avocado, olive, evening primrose
For more detailed information on acidic and alkaline foods please check this link on alkaline diet
If you don’t seem to have any appetite or can’t seem to put any food down try green smoothies or green juices. You’ll get your nutrients this way. Green smoothies are great for balancing blood sugar and alkalinizing the body as mentioned as above, thereby neutralizing stomach acids.
You could also try peppermint, lemon or ginger tea. They all have properties that help reduce morning sickness. An alternative to tea is getting peppermint, lemon or ginger sweets to lick on during the day.
Chewing minty gum could help as well especially if you notice you are salivating more.
Find your acupressure point called “inner gate”, this is located approx. 2 and a half finger widths from your wrist up your arm, between the two arm bones. Press hard on this point for about one- two minutes at a time when you feel nauseous. You should feel relieve in about 5 minutes.
Some mums swear by seasickness bands, which also make you of the acupressure point stated above. By pressing hard on the band button pressure is activated on the acupressure point. Click the image below for more details on where you can get sea sickness bands.
If Nothing Seems To Work
If all fails, I’ll advice that you go to your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe anti sickness medicine for you. That should do the trick with dealing with morning sickness.
I know it probably seems like this phase is dragging on for a long time but it will surely pass and it will all be worth it in the end when you meet your bundle of joy.
How do you deal with morning sickness at work? Please share your tips in the comments section below. Thanks!
I wish I read this a year ago. I had terrible morning sickness. Thanks for the info.
Hi Mitchelle, I know what you mean. Maybe for your next baby…if you decide to have one 😉
Thanks for stopping by
From experience, snacking kept me from getting too sick… but it also caused me to gain a little more weight than I wanted. Great post!
Hi Alexandra, I know what you mean. It could also depend on the type of snacks you were having.
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. Will stop by at yours.