A while back I noticed that on Mondays I was always full of energy and ready to blaze through my to do list for the week and maybe even conquer the world, but by Thursday afternoon I was usually feeling like this:

Smiley face

In fact, by Friday I am snappy, tired and just not motivated to do anything. This kept on like this week in week out. My doctor had already told me I was low on irons so I knew that was part of the reason I felt weak by Thursdays.

I knew this Super Working Mum needed a plan.

Now I can confidently say my low energy days are gone and I am usually still bubbling and energised by Friday. I know a lot of mums struggle with maintaining their energy levels throughout the week dealing with work, family, activities etc. So in this post I want to share my simple secret with you. It just might help you.

How I boost my energy

So what’s my secret you ask. It’s simple- drink GREEN smoothies.

So way back in 2012 I found out about green smoothies. I started taking them then but wasn’t consistent. However I was doing some research and came across benefits of smoothies which made me decide to go back to them.

Green smoothies comprises of blended fresh leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, collard greens or kale with fruits. Some people also use fresh green herbs such as mint or parsley in their green smoothies.

I know sounds weird to blend vegetables with fruits but usually the taste of the fruits in your smoothies masks out the veg. Some people are hard core and put in more veg than fruit in their smoothie.

You can use basically any kind of fruit- oranges, apple, pear, kiwi, mango, banana, pineapple, blue berries, grapes etc.  I personally like to use a combination of either banana, apples, pineapple, kiwi, green grapes with spinach or kale. I sometimes add plain greek yoghurt  or almond milk to mine. Sometimes I add flax seeds to my smoothies. There is some much variety and combinations of green smoothies you can make.

So why drink green smoothies

Why go through the “stress” of making and drinking these smoothies everyday? Well, here are some benefits of drinking green smoothies

  1. Leafy green vegetables are very healthy loaded with antioxidants and vitamins and by eating them raw you get most of the nutrients from them.  When we cook our vegetables we lose a lot of the nutrients.
  2. Some people advocate that green vegs are much easier to digest when pureed in a smoothie because they are already blended and liquefied. Your body no longer needs to work so hard to “break down” the food in order to extract the nutrients.
  3. It is a great way to eat your veggies and fruits without even realising it. With smoothies you can get your daily requirement of veggies and fruits.
  4. They are also a good way to get your children to eat their veggies and fruits. Tip for children start with more fruits then veg in the smoothie
  5. They are low in calories but very filling. Because they contain high amounts of water and fiber, you feel as if you just ate a full meal. So if you are trying to lose or maintain weight, green smoothies can help fight hunger and cravings.
  6. They do wonders to your skin. If you see anyone with glowing skin there is a high chance they either drink juices or smoothies
  7. They will provide you with a lasting source of energy. Fruits are a good source of energy and iron, but eaten alone will only provide short bursts of energy because they contain lots of sugars, which are quickly metabolised. However because green smoothies have a high content of veggies, the sugar content is more balanced.
  8. It will help you go to the toilet more if you are usually constipated, and clear out all those toxins in your system.

I have definitely started to see the benefits, and I recommend green smoothies to every super working mum out there to help you especially with your energy levels.

Breville Blend Active

Green smoothies are very easy to make. All you do is throw in your fruits and veggies, blend and drink. Now that we are in the summer, I freeze some of my fruits and use them in the smoothies like that which makes them really refreshing. Some people add ice cubes.

I use the Breville blend active blender to make my smoothies. They are so so easy and quick to use especially for busy mums like me. It comes with two bottles. You simply cover up the bottle with the blade unit, blend your smoothie then replace with the leak proof lid. I love that you can just blend and go with this blender. The best part it isn’t expensive. I got mine for £22.

You can get the breville blend active on Amazon here

Here’s my smoothie for today

1 Apple, 1/2 frozen banana, spinach, flax seed, milk and some water. Blend till you are satisfied with the texture. DRINK! 🙂


So to boost your energy, try drinking green smoothies. 🙂

The Simple Green smoothie team are currently running a 30 day green smoothie challenge so you can join in here.