airport security

When flying with children your aim would be to make passing through the airport security gate quick and painless as possible.

If not well prepared walking through a “simple” gate could end up being very stressful which any parent would want to avoid at all costs.

I have outlined what to expect and some tips to make the airport security gate check a walk in the park based on my experience and research.

I have also outlined a great tip on what to do with your children before you are called to board the plane.

At The Airport Security Gate

If there is a huge queue at the airport security gate, check with the attendants if there is a queue for families. This line helps families bypass the long queue , which is usually at the identification checkpoint.

Whilst at the airport security queue, engage your toddler and explain to them what is happening. Show them how people’s bags are going through the x-ray, how people are removing their shoes and walking through the metal detector. Explain that it would soon be your turn. Make it sound exciting!

At the security gate, if you have a stroller you will have to pack this up to pass it through the x-ray, however I think if your little one is asleep you can take the stroller through. Please don’t quote me on this as this policy may have changed! Keep your child in it for as long as possible before setting them free.

If you are using a baby carrier or sling, it is best to remove your baby from the carrier before passing through the metal detector. Else you would be pat down by the airport agent.

Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes for you and your children. Avoid belts where possible. Wear slip on shoes for yourself and toddler who can walk unaided so they can easily remove this at the airporsecurity gate.

Remove keys and phones from your pockets and keep in your carryon bags.

Before you get to airport security check that your toddler has not snuck in any toy guns (if they own one) or liquids into their carryon bags.

Check this link for a list of items you cannot carry with you on your flight- directgov

Get your carryon bags ready for inspections, make sure it is easy to repack the items you remove e.g. laptops, hair dressers, baby liquid food etc.

You will not be allowed to take liquids more than 100ml liquid, through security however this does not apply to your baby’s milk. You will be asked to taste out of this. Any form of liquid on you is subject to checks (including mum’s lip gloss, hand cream etc). This should be put in the zip lock bags provided to you.

I found this top tip on this cool website on flying with children which I wasn’t aware of before. If you are travelling from the UK you can pre-order cartons of ready mix baby milk from Boots Chemist to pick up on your way after you pass security. Phone up the Boots Chemist customer service for more info. This will save you from carry lots of liquids through security checks.

Only take medication your child would need during the flight (if on medication) and declare this at the security gate to avoid further delays.

With prescription drugs it is best to take with you proof of prescription or a letter from your doctor.

Most airport attendants are usually sympathetic and considerate towards families travelling with children and are happy to help you. So please ASK for help if you need it.

Before You Board

Check beforehand if there is a children’s play centre at the airport you are travelling from. This is where you want to head to next if travelling with toddlers.

If the airport does not have one of these, find an empty gate/area so they can run around.

This is one of the reasons you want to get to the airport early so as to give your toddler enough time to play and wear himself/herself out. More likely than not your LO will sleep on the plane! If he/she does not, there is a back up plan! I’ll be back with more tips on what to do on the plane. I told you before I got you covered 😉

Avoid sugary drinks at the airport as you don’t want your kids hyper active.

Also refrain from giving your toddler any food till you get on the plane.

Just before it is time to board the plane, get your toddler to use the bathroom.

Give your baby a nappy change as well.

Now you are ready to board the plane!

Do you have any tips for scaling through the airport security gates with children? Then do share in the comments below.