About Detola

and welcome to the SWM website, I am glad you stopped by. You are at the right place at the right time.
My name is Detola Amure (used to be known as Aloted Omoba). I am a wife to an amazing man and a mother to four children, one of them lives in heaven.
I have a BSc degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Operational Research. I started my career in Management Consulting and then moved on to work as a Business Analyst where I analysed processes and systems for various organisations.
Now I work as the CEO of Super Working Mum where I operates as a Productivity & Women Leadership Transformational Coach. I am a Certified Maxwell Leadership Coach, Speaker & Trainer, Certified Maxwell DISC Behavioural Trainer, Amazon Bestselling Author, International Speaker, and cohost of the When Life Stops Podcast.
I am famously known to ACTIVATE Kingdom Women to LIVE and LEAD a life of SIGNIFICANCE. My mandate on earth is to transform the lives of women/mothers so that they can confidently birth their dreams
I love reading, having fun, travelling, researching and writing and these days recording videos and webinars! You can check out my personal blog here
The inspiration behind Super Working Mum
Super Working Mum was born out of a need to help working mums who are overwhelmed and busy find the time and balance they need to work on their priorities.
You see, I started working right after university at the age of 21 with no care in the world. Going to work was fun! At the early stages of my career, I worked at a big 4 consulting firm- Accenture as an Analyst for about 4 years and I thoroughly enjoyed travelling from city to city and practically living out of my suitcase! I tell you, it was an absolute joy! I later worked for other top organisations such as British Sky Broadcasting, Ford Motors as a business analyst.
When I got married and had my daughter…. my world changed. My schedule changed, my priorities changed and I had two extra people to think about a husband and a baby.
My life became one full of sacrifices- sleep, privacy, space, free time, and freedom, and sometimes my sanity!
It was a whole new experience and seemed overwhelming at first. I lost my motivation and confidence. I lost my passion for writing. I wanted to get by with the barest minimum I could as I didn’t know how to handle the change in my life. I continued on this path and in 2012 I picked up my writing again and starting the Super Working Mum Blog to share my findings with other working mums like myself.
Then in 2013 when I was three months pregnant with my son Prof J…I lost my job. I felt so angry at God, my husband and the whole world. I fell into depression as I thought everything and everyone was against me.
After two weeks of dealing with pregnancy rage and depression, I felt God tell me to stop pitying myself and rise up to a higher standard… to do what he had called me to do- help women like myself.
Then I realised I had to make a change.
How I moved from living an average life to manifesting my dreams
I began to research, read, learn and implement strategies that tremendously helped me cope with prioritising and combining work and home effortlessly. I invested in group coaching, I attended business meetings to network with other mums, I hired my own coach.
I spent more time getting closer to God.
I have come to understand that being a Super Working Mum is a journey of excellence and not of perfection. It is a journey of relying on the Super Natural strength of the Holy Spirit.
Super Working Mum has transitioned from helping many Kingdom Women and Mothers find balance TO helping them live in purpose.
Now I have moved from a state of living an average life to manifesting my dreams by the grace of God
My Experience
- I have written 4 books, one of which became Amazon best sellers.
- I have designed four journals
- I have built a thriving and engaged Super Working Mum community with our own platform.
- I have private coaching clients who are manifesting the big dreams God placed on their heart.
- My blog is read by women from different countries such of which are UK, USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, Nigeria, South Africa etc.
- I have featured in several magazines & blogs such as LagosMums, Woman.Ng, Empowered Christian Women Magazine, Jasmine’s Place Magazine.
- I have spoken on various platforms online and in person around the world.
- I have been interviewed on The Turning Point International TV Programme which is watched by a global audience of 7 million people, UCB and other radio stations.
I have a closer and better relationship with God, my relationship with my husband is amazing. I am intentional about the time I spend with my children.
A lot of women have BIG dreams that God has given them but they are lacking in confidence, direction, support and motivation. They are in fire fighting mode and distracted so can’t focus on what God has called them to do. This used to be my story but if I could do it so can you! I can show you what I did!
The tools, strategies and ideas I present via Super Working Mum would be valuable to any mother (working or not), who want to maximise her time and manifest her God-given dreams.
Ways I Can Support You

The Super Working Mum Academy
This is an online training program for Christian Mums who want to learn how to maximise their time so they can manifest their God-given dreams. For more information click the image.

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