Professionalism in the workplace is a key to success at work or in business.
Professionalism means you are committed to a certain standard of behavior regardless of the circumstances <–Click to tweet this.
Being mothers do not mean we can behave as we wish at work.
In fact, our goal should be that our home life will not interfere with our work to the best of our abilities.
When I worked in the consulting industry some years ago, I found out one key thing. Perception is key.
It doesn’t matter if you are the smartest or most intelligent person in the office; if your superiors, colleagues and clients do not perceive you to be professional there is only how far you can go.
I once had a colleague who was very smart. But because she was always late to the client site, during appraisal, the partners and managers didn’t think she was ready for a promotion. Because they doubted her dependability, they doubted her professionalism.
It may not seem fair but something as little as how you are perceived at work may hinder you rising in your organization or in your business.
How do you currently conduct yourself at work or in your business? What goes through people’s minds when they mention your name at work? If you don’t think it is something good, then it is time to make a change.
5 Professionalism Tips
Every office would have their own conduct policy manual which you should be aware of but here are 5 professionalism tips to maintain in the workplace:
Get to work early.
Everyone knows who the late timers are and you shouldn’t be one of them.
Your aim is to get to work at least 5-10 minutes before work starts officially, that way you are settled in and can start work bang on time. Strolling in late constantly just isn’t professional.
This will also help with the exceptional days that you are running late, maybe due to traffic or an emergency. You will already have built a good reputation at this point.
Do you need tips on how to get out of bed early, click the link.
Dress professionally
Find out your company’s policy on dressing if you don’t know. If you own a business you should have a dress code policy for meetings with clients or network events.
The first thing your clients and colleagues notice about you is your appearance. You need to leave a good and confident impression always.
You don’t have to break the bank to look professional. Wear clothes that are your size, pressed and smart. Anything revealing should be kept for your bedroom.
Make sure your hairdo is on point, nails are groomed and makeup is not loud.
Even if you work in a casual environment, these simple tips above can act as a guideline.
Deal with home emergencies professionally
In as much as you get along with your boss, colleagues and clients at work, when it comes to home emergencies, it is advisable to tread carefully.
Make them aware of the situation but in a professional manner. Keep your emotional issues to yourself.
If you have to work from home, be reachable on your phone or email. Don’t go AWOL. It is probably better to take time off work depending on the situation as your productivity may be impacted if you try to combine work and an emergency.
Use of social media
When using social media, apply wisdom. I don’t think it is a good idea to add anyone from work to your personal facebook or twitter account. Not because you have anything to hide but most times you want to let your hair down online.
Believe it or not, you will be judged by what you say on these social media tools.
Avoid whining about work, clients, colleagues or bosses on social media tools. Once it is out there, you can’t take it back.
If you really have to discuss work, avoid name-calling and keep the “juicy” details offline.
Stay Calm
It is almost inevitable that conflict may arise with colleagues or clients. You will meet rude and obnoxious people at work or business.
If someone disrespects you or picks on you, make it a conscious effort not to lose your cool. Your goal is to always remain professional.
Let courtesy be one of your value and don’t let discourteous people determine your attitude or response.
If you need to step away from a situation about to turn ugly, then walk away. You have that choice.
Professionalism in the workplace boils down to treating others the way you want to be treated. It is also about being diligent in every task you do. Do your best and leave the rest. Your colleagues, clients and boss will notice.
There are other professionalism tips but the above are a few you can start with. Do you have other professionalism tips then please share in the comments section.
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