I know you love the Lord, your husband and your children.
Your desire is to be the best wife (if you are married) and the best mum for your children but at the same time you have these amazing dreams you want to accomplish.
However society and religion
has taught you that as a mum your dreams are no longer valid.
“It is all about the children now” they say.
As a mother you find yourself trapped in the sacrifice of motherhood myth.
A survey done by ForbesWoman And TheBump.Com revealed the top 4 sacrifices women make when they become mothers: “Me” time, Having other identity outside of being a mother, Sex with spouse, Opportunity to grow career or business.
You find that you overemphasise the things that you do or feel for your children and then run the risk of devaluing the other roles that you play as a woman e.g daughter of God, wife, sister, friend, business owner, career woman.
“Does this sound like you?
You have decided to give in to the lie that you can’t have it all. This is reinforced by the fact that you can’t find the time to work on your dreams so you put them on hold till someday and we all know someday never comes.
Now you are frustrated and need a way out of this vicious cycle.
Well good news!
You can have it “all”… the desires God placed in your heart and I want to show you how.
My name is ‘Detola Amure
(Lead Productivity and Women Leadership Transformational Coach)
At SWM our purpose is to help Kingdom Women MAXIMISE their time so that they can MANIFEST their God given dreams.
God has so much he wants you to be and it is not as hard as you think.
We are delighted to work with you to show you how to do just this!